Contact us

Starting work

I'm working as an expert advisor for the Saudi Railway Commission. It has just been announced that the SRC is to come under the Saudi Public Transport Authority (PTA). A reorganisation on my first day! 

The office is a new build in the north of Riyadh, about 10km from the city centre. Easy to get to from the hotel, only because my new boss is also billeted at the same hotel and has his car here! The new metro, which is being constructed just now passes the front of the office, and there will be a station two blocks away. However it is still years away from opening. 

I am arranging some viewings for accommodation in western compounds. So fingers crossed I'll get something soon.

The culture is extremely different from the UK. More on that later!

Contacting us is straightforward

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* Call Alastair Fyfe directly on 07785 370074 (UK) or +966 503095212